Reading DDV movies


Wii or not to Wii
Nov 30, 2006
Wii Online Code

I just read in the Nitendo Magazine (SPain) that in 2007 Nintendo will release a software so that the Wii can play DVD movies :yesnod: . No extra hardware neede, just some software.... Anybody knows more of it??
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It seems that it might get out for the USA, not the rest of the world. This is the news, translated from Spanish:

a couple of days ago Nintendo told that the new version of the Wii will reproduce DVD and might get to the USA market thx to an agreement with the company Sonic Solutions, the company who has has been working on the development.

So, maybe it will be.... one day....
duno, last thing i've heard about this was something about the CD spinning backwards... bah bah bah
a couple of days ago Nintendo told that the new version of the Wii will reproduce DVD and might get to the USA market thx to an agreement with the company Sonic Solutions, the company who has has been working on the development.
Sonic Solutions? I've have tons of problems with their software/dll files.

Their software constantly conflicts with my burning software and causes my computer to crash when loading up CDs/DVDs on 3 of 6 DVD drives that are at my house. I forgot the name of the .DLL in question (look it up online, a number of them from SS are prone screwing up your PC) that forced me to make 20+ coasters out of my DVD+Rs.

Sounds like a bad matchup with Nintendo's trustworthiness.

intekmdma said:
last thing i've heard about this was something about the CD spinning backwards...
Yea, the Wii (GC as well) spins the disc in a constant angular velocity, like a record player, as well as the disc slowing down as the laser head gets closer to the center of the disc.

Nintendo would have had built the Wii's drive to already also spin and operate like a DVD drive in order for a simple software update to make it play DVDs. Most likely Nintendo didn't go this route because it would have driven up production cost and time.

More likely than not in the future, Nintendo will produce (or license?) a Wii that can play DVDs for the people that want one. Just like the Panasonic Gamecube of yesteryear.
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MaxCapacitor said:
Sonic Solutions? I've have tons of problems with their software/dll files.

Their software constantly conflicts with my burning software and causes my computer to crash when loading up CDs/DVDs on 3 of 6 DVD drives that are at my house. I forgot the name of the .DLL in question (look it up online, a number of them from SS are prone screwing up your PC) that forced me to make 20+ coasters out of my DVD+Rs.

As the Wii isn´t there to burn DVD´s, maybe they will get it right this time.

Anyway. If it would play DVD it would be nice.... Still I wouldn´t use my 250€ Wii as a simple DVD player (which even can run DIVX movies) just costs 33€
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Who needs their Wii to playback DVD's anyway, I mean if the majority of you have a Wii I'm guessing you like your technology and probably have multiple systems in your home that can play DVD (Xbox, Xbox 360, PS2, PS3, Standard DVD player, PC etc). Who needs and extra one... really!!!

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