Read Errors starting to happen


WiiChat Member
Apr 8, 2007
I have what I believe is a second-generation Wii, bought on March 07 in the US.

Lately, I´ve been experiencing frequent read errors when I try to use DVD-RWs, even "first-recording" ones, something that I had never experienced before. Also, same read error problem with Ricoh DVD+R DL. Beforer the error message appears on the TV Screen, I hear a lot of loud horribly sounding mechanical sounds coming from the Wii drive....

Anyone is experiencing the same situation?? Is my Wii drive goind death??
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Well, you modded your Wii with unsupported add-on circuitry, and are playing unsupported media. What do you expect? You now have no warranty and potentially a damaged Wii. Them's the breaks.

Contact Cyclowiz. We don't support pirated games on these forums.
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Thank you very much for your completely useless brainless dream-world comment. Its been really helpfull!!

My greetings to everyone else over there in wonderland, specially Santa Claus, Easter Bunyy and Alice!
Brainless? People here get banned for discussing pirating games and modchips. The Wiichat mods have made it clear over and over that such topics are not allowed.
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I have just read another post on this forum where the user explicited the use of a certain modchip in his console, so I assumed it was no big deal.

I will edit the post to comply with the rules and apologize for breaking them.

But nevertheless, real world is based on piracy, specially when its not an option, but rather the ONLY option when you dont have official support from manufacturers or game developers on your country. Not everybody in the world lives in US or Europe. But thats a long meaningless talk.

But I restate my remark: its such a childish brainless aproach something like "ohh, you washed your hair with something the doctor say you shouldnt do! Now shame on you! Im so glad to see your hair is damaged and you´re bald!!!". Thats just plain stupid.
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Ok, Ok. Sandman will come and hunt me. The Grind will steal my xmas gifts. Ill develop chicken pox. And my Wii will turn blue and explode.

Enough of the purist talk, ok?? If you want to lose your time and mine and post something in the same vein the previous two folks posted, PLEASE, DONT!

Now, would the puritans please step aside so the normal people that live in the real world please comment my post??


Jesus, whats wrong with these people??!!!!
mabhz said:
But I restate my remark: its such a childish brainless aproach something like "ohh, you washed your hair with something the doctor say you shouldnt do! Now shame on you! Im so glad to see your hair is damaged and you´re bald!!!". Thats just plain stupid.
You're exaggerating my response and burning karma fast.

The mods have expressed a zero-tolerance for modding discussion on these forums. As I wish Wiichat to stick around, I respect that. As I wish the Wii and game developers to stick around, I don't condone piracy.

While your personal locale-specific politics might justify it in your own eyes, the fact of the matter is that most of the users on these forums reside in countries where they can legally buy games and support the consoles and developers. Not everyone in the world lives in countries with the issues that yours apparently does.

You might consider modchips "standard operating procedure" where you live, but the fact remains that they are unofficial and unsupported hardware hacks performed by people who aren't Nintendo. They might toast your Wii. They might not. That's the risk you take. If you've toasted your Wii while trying to modify your Wii pirate games, such is life. You might not have liked my blunt response and taken it as some personal assault on the corporate politics of your country, but I would say your ignorance of the rules that most of the developed world operates in far-outweighs any ignorance we might have here of your countries anarchist business environment. And "normal" where you live or not, you should've known what you were getting into if it's truly so common.

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