Random Wii Problems??


WiiChat Member
Dec 22, 2006
I got my wii on the 19 of November and over that time ive been experiencing just random inconsistent problems.

1. Sometimes my wii remotes just become unsynced. For example, I turned on my wii and my remote synced as usual. I then clicked on the game channel to play super paper mario. Clicked on the game and the game uploaded, then my wii remote wouldnt sync and neither would my other one. I had to do the entire process of resyncing each one.

2. Sometimes my wii, when a disc is in, vibrates as a phone would when receiving a call and the wii has an awful sound along with it that sounds like my messed up fan. When I take the disc out, it just stops.

3. Internet works perfectly for like 3 weeks, then doesnt work at all, although it says i can us the access point and that the test works fine, then when its working again it goes super slow.

4. Wii sports won't work anymore although there are like very few scratches that wouldn't prevent it from working and I'm wondering if my wii caused that.

5. Every once and a while, although this rarely happens, a game will freeze up or simply wont load then i turn the wii of and try it again and it's fine. Or I will put it a game and it will go through all the company reminder and advertising screens then it wont load the next screen and say Error please eject disc and turn off console.

There are more problems that happen occassionaly that I can't think of off the top of my head. Is anyone else, especially those who bought theirs close to release date, experiencing similar inconsistent problems. If so please reply and if you would like leave some advice that you have found to help. Thanks!
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It just occured again!!! I tried to play super paper mario and there was a sound like wewon then chic (sorry about the awful onamonapias) and the health and safety thing about putting the wrist strap through the connector then it went to how i have to have my wii remote sideways and everything came up there wasnt text in the box then the "error has occured, please eject disc and remove game disc, the turn off console" came up
I haven't had this many problems myself. Actually I haven't had any of the problems mentioned. My suggestion would be to ring Nintendo and ask them for a replacement because it sounds to me as if that Wii console has major flaws.
Sometimes my GC games won't load up after clicking the GC game logo when a GC game is inserted. When it trys to load it the screen just stays black. Only after pressing reset (with the game still in it) about five times, will the slot flash blue and go to GC mode. (More of a annoyance really)
Mines has crased 2 times in 4 months, and whenever im playing Red Steel it always makes like Neeeaaao Neeeaao, noises, then clicks, it's does that a lot playing Red Steel but apart from that it's Fine.
---Brian--- said:
Mines has crased 2 times in 4 months, and whenever im playing Red Steel it always makes like Neeeaaao Neeeaao, noises, then clicks, it's does that a lot playing Red Steel but apart from that it's Fine.
Everyone seems to experience noises while playing Red Steel, even me. I think its just the game disc being read by the laser.
mines frozen 3 or 4 times in the 6 months that ive had it. I have to unplug it at the wall to reset it
my friends wii is really jacked up when he puts in a game cube game it shots out with so much force that some times the game shatters he had to buy me another game by the way the game that he broke was mario kart. p.s. he got a new one for free at game stop because it was so jacked up.
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my friends wii is really jacked up when he puts in a game cube game it shots out with so much force that some times the game shatters he had to buy me another game by the way the game that he broke was mario kart. p.s. he got a new one for free at game stop because it was so jacked up.

Not trying to be mean or anything, but you have to get video because that sounds funny:cornut: !!! The game flys out with so much force it shatters the game!!! That would make me piss my pants each time..... No grandma, don't press that button.....
mine has same problem but only on dvds (very loud clicking and grinding and never loads the dvd just keeps making the noise and the loading screen freezes until i eject disc.) . my disc channel doesnt work except for gamecube games, and neo gamma only works for some. all of this after i played mario galaxy 2.

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