Quick Wii question.


WiiChat Member
Aug 27, 2006
I was going to sell my GameCube and get a Wii and I was curious if the Wii accepts GameCube memory cards. I don't want to start over on Animal Crossing.
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Wait, so if I play GC games, I have to save on a GC memory card, and if I play Wii games, I save to a SD card? Can I copy files from the GC memory card to the SD?
i think u can save wii games on the onboard memory card. SD card is for like... VC games i think pics, etc..
nuke21 said:
Wait, so if I play GC games, I have to save on a GC memory card, and if I play Wii games, I save to a SD card? Can I copy files from the GC memory card to the SD?

You currently CANNOT save Wii games directly to the SD card, but you can copy the game saves over later; you'd have to copy them back to the internal flash memory, though, before you can play those game saves.

You CANNOT copy your gamesaves to the SD card using the Wii.

You could buy the GC Memory Card reader for a PC and if your PC could also use SD cards you could copy that way, but I don't see any real purpose for doing that.

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