Question on D-Link router for connecting wii to the net.

The Magical liopleurodon

WiiChat Member
Feb 13, 2007
Hi guys, im looking to hook my wii up to the internet so im trying to find a wireless router to enable me to do that. According to Nintendo, DLINK DI524 works if it is version C1 but not version A, however, I have found a "B2" Version of the router, and im wondering if anybody would know if this is compatible with the Wii or not. It doesnt say so on Nintendo's page of the routers tested, but perhaps they simply havnt tested with B2. If anybody can shed some lighto n this it would be great, cheers!
It's tough to say. By rights, all wifi routers should work because 802.11b/g are a standard. In practice this isn't always the case. I honestly think it's best that you just find one that is known to work.

I was using a D-Link brand 802.11b router and I recently switched for a Linksys WRT54GS router since my laptop supports speedbooster and 802.11g. The Linksys WRT54GS router is usually more expensive but it's definitely worth it for the stability, range and speed. I highly recommend the WRT54G series of routers. It knocks the socks of my old dlink for range with it's twin antenna's and that's worth the 10-20 premium.
I'm rocking a D-Link DI624 and I cant seem to get any open connections, any suggestions?

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