question about sigs


Let There Be Rock
Oct 24, 2007
Wii Online Code
i am trying to put an image from google images into my sig but i cant. plaease explain step to step. and dont link me to the official sig page or whatever it is because it makes no sense to also says that i cant use media tags around something
keep clicking on the image until you get all the way to the real image (no blue boarder)

right click on the image
  • firefox: click on Copy Image Location
  • internetexplorer: click on Properties and highlight it's entire Address (URL) -- it could scroll off to the right...
in your sig editor: click on
and paste the URL into the textbox.

good info?
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idjut said:
keep clicking on the image until you get all the way to the real image (no blue boarder)

right click on the image
  • firefox: click on Copy Image Location
  • internetexplorer: click on Properties and highlight it's entire Address (URL) -- it could scroll off to the right...
in you sig click on
and paste the URL into the textbox.

good info?

thx woman
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EDIT: tried that but it says that file size is too large.what now?
use the one directly from google images with a blue boarder... it will keep the blue boarder, but is already reduced.

this may not last forever, because I don't know if google's image index shuffles it's index numbers...
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i deleted the doors
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[img ][ /img]

Copy past that directly into your signature box, getting rid of the spaces in the
that is WAY to big to be your sig. sig images can only be at most 400 pixles wide by 130 pixles tall
Got it covered, Mitch.

Want to edit that damn thing for me, though? I didn't spend 30 seconds in GIMP to have his sig wasted on a space.

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