Put a TRAIN HORN in your car!!!


\/\/ii'd Out For Life
Dec 20, 2006
Surfside Beach, SC
Wii Online Code
These guys have a website that sells train horns for your car. theyre huge!!!!! and they are very loud. These are some of their videos they made raising hell with the horns




here is a link to more vids on their site. pretty much the whole left side is them messing with people. make sure to watch the first "jesus saves" one at the top left. that one is hilarious.


you can also buy the horns from that site. enjoy.....
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man i cant really fit it on my car or id have one right now dude. those things are awesome!!! you got to run them with a 5 gallon air tank and a compressor, plus the horn is huge. but man id love to have one. i laugh so hard at that shyt.
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here is some of the hate mail the horn guys received:
i have bi polar disorder and your **** ****in made episode

From: Dan Systad <*********@comcast.net >
To: matt@hornblasters.com
Sent: 30-Dec-2005 06:11
Subject: i have bi polar disorder and your **** ****in made episode

your **** made me have a manic episode and i wrote a bunch of letters you might be glad that it didn't happen in your presence...you'd be beat up at the very least....when manic people have episodes it is like more strength than any amount of adrenalin so beware of people like me i am common and you will get it some day if you keep it up this horn thing will get you killed for sure... even now i still feel like i want to kill you and my manic state has eased up.... you best not meet me on the street I will likely kill you not a threat it is just the truth.... i have been in the hospital many times....your type i don't want to go for murder but you may make it happen....

^^^can anyone say psycho?^^^^

(no subject)

From: Dan Systad <*********@comcast.net >
To: matt@hornblasters.com
Sent: 30-Dec-2005 05:53
Subject: (no subject)

your **** has got me so mad it is a good thing i can't kill you on the spot i would.... many people have started carrying guns you **** is goint to get someone killed for suire I'd shoo the ****ers who horned me.....if i could.....i shurely would i am so mad right now it is not funny

link to the mail: http://www.hornblasters.com/?pageid=letters

i personally think it is funny. i know some people, like dude up there^^^ do not think it is funny. however, i do, and i used to do stuff like that all the time to people.

but here is the thing, if someone drove down the road and honked a train horn, from their car at me, then i would laugh my ass off, try to chase them down, not to beat them, but to thank them and praise them. because i can take a joke and i appreciate good ones.

i can understand people being pissed, but i for one would love it if it happened to me.
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your **** made me have a manic episode and i wrote a bunch of letters you might be glad that it didn't happen in your presence...you'd be beat up at the very least....when manic people have episodes it is like more strength than any amount of adrenalin so beware of people like me i am common and you will get it some day if you keep it up this horn thing will get you killed for sure... even now i still feel like i want to kill you and my manic state has eased up.... you best not meet me on the street I will likely kill you not a threat it is just the truth.... i have been in the hospital many times....your type i don't want to go for murder but you may make it happen....

That horn is so funny LMAO!

though if it makes people have episodes it's best left on a Train... Still good though
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