Psp: [Monster Hunter] Ad-Hoc Party

hybrid -x1

~graceful assassin~
Sep 14, 2010
Shooting Star Suimmit
Wii Online Code
Alright so I just recently started to replay Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite all over again and would like to play with other hunters on Ad-hoc party for the playstation 3

leave your informaton down below and maybe we can set up a meeting time.

I also just got Monster Hunter Portable 3RD which is a japanese exclusive game and would like to hunt together with anyone who has the game.

I'm a North American ps3 gamer so that means my Ad-Hoc Party is NA as well.
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Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo so no one plays Monster Hunter!? T___T
I feel soo lonely now its like emo status or something lol

damn i was hoping to have someone help me unlock G-rank quests T_T_T_T_T_T
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dude i would play if i had a psp. loan me $200? :lol:

lol thanks for that dude, though psp's aren't exactly 200 bucks unless you are aiming towards a pspGO

Go with the psp 1000 or 2000 you can get either for like about 90-100 bucks on ebay and or buy a refurbished psp 1000 or 2000 for around 110-120$ at gamestop
oh i could do far less than that on the used market naturally, have no idea what they are new. if i hit a big gamble i'll let you know :wink:
i know im replying to a thread that is old but i still play unite its the best game in the world but unfortunatly i dont have a ps3 (LOL) but i can help you on giving tips if you like for unite

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