projector and wii


WiiChat Member
Dec 25, 2006
hey im new to all this just bought a projector benq mp610 and a wii and i have NO CLUE how to set it up can someone draw a picture or write up the best way to set up a projector and wii?

it would be most appriciated thanks
use the rca, plug the red cable in the red port, yellow cable in the yellow port, and white cable in the white port.
i have mine hooked up to the projecdtor using component cables

it works a treat

you have to calculate the size of your screen to work out how far away to place the projector
well i did anyway cause i installed it on the roof
if its just on a table you cabn move the tablke at will

but if its on the roof where u put it is where it stays so you have to know the meausrements
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i have in advance bought the component cables but i dont know where to put em not enough holes? and wont the sensor bar be out of wack cos of the sixze of the screen?
sensor bar works fine

if your projector isnt component capeable then you cant do it

look for green blue and red holes
then your audio goes into a amplifier or a stereo
i think i'm also going to hook my wii up to my projector (if i can ever find one). My projector is component capable, so it should be easy? Should be sweet playing a wii on a 130" TV. Should be sweet playing a wii at all....
I ALSO OWN A BENQ MP610 what i did is get a dub to component cable so it can take component cables after u get that make ur sensor bar wireless like i did just cut the wires and conect a 9v batt or adabter that works like a charm and ur ready to go just keep the mode in the projector on PHOTO i find in mp610 that works best good luck:thumbsup:

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