There's a rumor circulating about an exclusive Wii title developed by Hideo Kojima and Suda Goichi, respectively, the makers of MGS and Killer 7. Here's an excerpt from Suda when asked about the project:
Hmm... This is an interesting collaboration if this were real. The project was rumored as a sequel for "Snatcher," a game released by Kojima in 1988. It had a small following because of its violence. Here are some pictures on how violent it is...
And some kinky stuff...
Article: Interview: Suda 51 on No More Heroes
IGN said:IGN Wii: There is word that you're planning to work with Hideo Kojima on a game for Wii known only as 'Project S.' Is this true?
Suda: I am sorry, but I can't make any comments on this.
Hmm... This is an interesting collaboration if this were real. The project was rumored as a sequel for "Snatcher," a game released by Kojima in 1988. It had a small following because of its violence. Here are some pictures on how violent it is...

And some kinky stuff...

Article: Interview: Suda 51 on No More Heroes