Problem with Wii


WiiChat Member
Jul 8, 2013
United Kingdom
I have recently acquired a Wii console system complete with Balance Board and would like some advice.

I have been playing the Ball Balance game and the Tightrope game, included on the WiiFit CD, however when the 'out of balance' indication on the screen clearly shows that you should move to the Left to correct the out of balance condition, it is necessary to physically move to the Right to regain a balance condition.... In other words, the required body movement seems to be opposite to that shown on the screen.
On the Tightrope game, when a prompt appears on the screen, "Regain your balance by shifting to the Right", it is in fact necessary to shift to the Left, to regain balance !!!

So it seems that something is reversed.... I have tried resetting the system but it doesn't help.

I would be grateful for a solution to this problem....
I've never used a balance board so I wouldn't know if this is possible, but... perhaps the balance board is placed backwards? Try turning it around.
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Thanks for your reply but the balance board would not work at all if it was placed 'backwards' ... The sensors which communicated with Wii's sensor bar, are on the front edge and the instruction manual shows clearly how to align the balance board.........

Any other ideas please ???
Well ain't that curious... a quick Google search says that these reversed control problems come entirely from the balance board bein' turned around. Since I've no experience with balance boards, I'm sorry to say my... uh, "expertise" can't be of help to ya beyond that.
The balance board does not use the sensor bar and only communicates with the Wii wirelessly. The power button should be facing away from the television.

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