Problem with Mario strikers


WiiChat Member
Dec 20, 2006
Anyone else having troubles connecting to the Wifi on it in the UK?

I get past the login and then says "retrieving stats" by then comes up with an error and goes back to the main menu of the game

The wii works fine connecting to the internet, news and weather normally.

The wifi in the UK was launched today too wasnt it? :S
lilsam said:
Yep, it sucks

i cant get it yet b/c im in the US. but it doesnt suck... give it when the VC came out. A lot of ppl had trouble getting on. But after some time it worked fine and all of those i cant get on Online or Vc threads were gone... Its new to nintendo with the wii online play. Give it some time...
There is already another thread on this. And yea, it will get sorted soon. They will prob's add another server or someting.
i would say yes... the online will be fixed and besides that i have heard its a great game
I made a review on this, its in the mario strikers sub-forum
hey maybe you guys are having trouble because the channel in which your internet connection is on does not coincide with that of the Wii's internet
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Went on it this morning and it worked perfectly :D and its probably my favourite game on the wii so far, well worth getting

It appears i need some more practise at it though as i got completely kicked at it this morning... even with my new improved goalie-hopping tactic :p

Ill post my code soon on the other thread too...
metalheadandy said:
Went on it this morning and it worked perfectly :D and its probably my favourite game on the wii so far, well worth getting

It appears i need some more practise at it though as i got completely kicked at it this morning... even with my new improved goalie-hopping tactic :p

Ill post my code soon on the other thread too...

Same here too :D

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