Problem copying data to SD card..


WiiChat Member
Mar 23, 2008
I recently purchased a 2G SD memory card for the wii. Almost everything worked out well except some games would not copy from the system memory to the SD memory card. These games are..

1)Super Smash Bro.'s Brawl (ahh plz help me with this one)
2)Metal Slug Anthology (may be misspelled)
3)Sonic and Mario at the Olympic Games
4) GH3

anyone know y?
Do you mean copy, or save onto it?
If you mean save I have the same problem, it says the memory card is locked, iunno what it means.
I know SSBB does not allow you to save your files into SD cards, so I assume other games might have did the same. The bads overweight the goods in doing this so much. The only good is that it might prevent future save hacks of a game, like homebrew people are doing now for LoZ:TP, but that's already been done and a regular Wii owner will probably never look stuff like that up. I hope they find a crack to this silly restriction.
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I posted this in another SD thread as well:

I *think* it's because those particular games save (potentially private) information on your online connections (maybe friends codes?) so the developers don't allow the save data to be copied to SD cards. I have 2 games with WiFi capability (GH3 and Pro Evolution Soccer 2008) and those are the only 2 games that don't allow copying of data to my SD card...

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