possible to connect to mobile broadband?


WiiChat Member
Jul 2, 2007
is it possible to connect the Wii to the internet, via mobile broadband through my laptop and cell provider? I have a laptop, and a mobile broadband card through Sprint, only internet i have. I would assume i could do an ethernet connection from the laptop to the Wii with the plug, and connect the laptop to the internet, but will this really work?
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i honestly dont know...im really not that technology savy.
Well depending on the technology of your wireless card the latency might be too high for online gaming. It would work fine for downloading updates or virtual console games though.
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ok, great, thats the main function i want anyway, downloading updates and games. So just get the ethernet connection and cable, and follow the directions in the manual for lan connection?
I'm not trying to be lazy I promise but there are really well written guides for configuring internet connection sharing. Its not specific to the WII - many people use it to share the connection with other computers or consoles.

I suggest looking on google for
"Internet Connection Sharing" walkthrough XP

edit: Real world throughput ratings for your card - http://www.dslreports.com/archive/spcsdns.net
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thanks, it works great! A little slow, but at least i have a connection and can now download stuff. Thank you very much!!

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