Pokemon Battle Revolution


WiiChat Member
Jan 13, 2007
Seeing how much attention the Diamond/Pearl thread gets in the DS forum, just wondering if there's gonna be enough attention for Battle Revolution to get its own forum here... Just over a week till it's out in the US, right? Good timing cuz I'm just about through FireRed and Emerald
of course it will, and then all the poke-haters will cry about numerous threads even more.
on a positive side, its the 1st u.s. wifi game, so its gonna be big, i know alot of ppl at work who are getting it just for the wifi feature and dont even play the ds game.

btw what does fire red and emerald have to do with revolution? if u dont have diamond or pearl, your team on those gba games is usless.
Imo, this game being the first online game is a joke.

1. Why no mii's? You have to pick a person anyway..
2. Why cant you train your pokemon in the game? Its been like this for too long, they need to somehow combine the standalone system pokemon games and the portable pokemon games...and im not talking wi-fi.
3. Thought I had more to rant about...but apparently thats it :lol:
u've got a fair argument, its not fair for those who dont own the ds game to have to play with rental pokemon that cant even be trained, and this defiently doesnt need to be wii's FIRST wi-fi game (in u.s.) but...strikers will be coming in less than 6 weeks so....
So...I've never played a pokemon game in my long gaming life, but....I am thinking about getting Battle revolution for the sake of online play.

Can someone tell me how the pokemon games like this work??? Do you just get some pokemon (how customizable is it), train it, and then battle other pokemons in an arena? What is gameplay like, what are some cool things about it, and will it be fun?

Thanks in advance for a little synopsis I hope to get, I can't wait for Strikers, but don't want to miss online play in passing up this game.
You have to understand that there is a HUGE difference between handheld pokemon games, and system pokemon games:

Handheld: An RPG game in which you search the world and capture as many pokemon as you can, creating the best team possible.

System: Pick pokemon (from the system (which suck) or from your handheld game) and fight the computer or (nowadays) opponents via online...thats about it.

To answer your questions:

(Numbers are Mine)
1. How they work: Pick your pokemon (not sure how many, in stadium it was 6) and battle. Thats it.
2. Customization: There is no customization whatsoever.
3. Cool things: The graphics look decent. I think you can battle two pokemon at once(?)
4. Will it be fun: It was fun for me all the way through gradeschool. Im not trying to imply that it wouldnt be now, because I am truly not sure. I have not played a pokemon game since.

To sum things up: If you have a ds, and you have daimond/pearl, Pokemon Battle Revolution is a MUST BUY. However, I am afraid that all other gamers will be dissapointed, not only because of the lack of customization, but because the 'rental' pokemon that you will have no choice other than to use, will be about half as strong as a good trainer's pokemon, meaning that you'll be lucky to win a single match online.

Rep if info is helpful.
I hope theres some exitement over it, I LOVE the graphics!
I thought the wifi was gonna suck, and go eriely slow, but i saw gameplay movies of the japaneze version (it's already come out in Japan) and it seems to work great! Yup, only 7 days till it comes out! :p
i don't understand why nintendo picked this to be the first online game. Pokemon is a game for (mainly) little kids and some teenagers. I would think the first online game would be something for everyone like SSBB or MP3. Nintendo should have done a lot more planning before releasing the Wii.
Thanks, Levesque, good work.

Overall, Pbr sounds kind of shallow for someone only playing the Wii system version and it doesn't sound like there will be a whole lot of replay value after the first day or two.

I was going to rent Manhunt 2, but now I actually want to buy it now that it's being banned in places :smilewinkgrin:

I think I'll wait for Strikers for online play.

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