Please help me with semi-bricked wii due to bannerbomb issue

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WiiChat Member
May 30, 2009
I nearly bricked my wii and need help major!!! Here is an overview on it.

Here is the description from the real video:
Ok, I have big trouble here and i just can't get the boot.dol or boot.elf for homebrew from bannerbomb and any other boot.dol or boot.elf files like wad manager. PLZZZZZZZZZZZ help!!! I would be so happy if it could work. Unlike what is said in the video, I just wont subscribe to thoose who help, I'll view and rate AND commet to ALL of your videos!! If you want me to rate, veiw and commet to your new videos in the future, become my friend, then pm me the title of your new video(s) and I'll veiw, rate and commet.

Like I said, Help will be greatly apreciated.
Peace out,

Here is the video:

If you can help, post here or at the comments on youtube and if you can help me in any way tell me your youtube username and i'll sub you and stuff. (Read descriptions above for details)

Hope you can help,
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umm...i have no clue.

you should know, most wiichat people are against homebrew and other hacks so you may not get any help.
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umm...i have no clue.

you should know, most wiichat people are against homebrew and other hacks so you may not get any help.
Well, for my true words, i doubt your quote because I've seen a ton of homebrew related stuff on this site.
Well, for my true words, i doubt your quote because I've seen a ton of homebrew related stuff on this site.

I'm willing to bet that most of it is people who sign up, ask about homebrew, then get told that the site doesn't support that kind of thing?
Well, for my true words, i doubt your quote because I've seen a ton of homebrew related stuff on this site.

you're full of crap.

to the OP.
if you mod it, then chances are good that it'll be bricked.
its the chance you take.
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Stop posting bad comments. I really need help guys.
Instead of using that fail camera, you should have gotten Camstudio, would have been easier to follow.

And the only thing I've seen about Homebrew is Brawl+, so if anyone knows how to fix it, my best guess is Smashfever67

3 additional fails:
1) You used a BETA (not the smartest)
2) You didn't let someone who knows how to do this do it
3) You Even TRIED using Homebrew.

I think it's the best that your Wii is messed up. Homebrew is not intended for use.
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there's this really cool thing called the wii shop. basically you go to a local store and buy a wii points card and then type the code into the shop and then you can buy tons of cool games legally and you don't risk bricking your wii :)
wow im glad ur wii got bricked by the bannerbomb hack lol. me and my friend was gonna use that same hack :)

EDIT: saw ur video and didnt realize u were just a kid so feel sry ur wii is bricked but if u think about it u also saved two other wii's in ur massive fail so....nice job! :D
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Take it as a lesson that doing hacks and mods aren't the safest things to do. As for your problem, I have no clue. You'll be better off going on a modding/hacking community rather than Wiichat.
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