I have a 2wire router and I have had a DS for quite some time. I've had NO problems with my DS Wi-Fi ever. Then along came Wii. I entered everything right, my WEP, and everything. Then I test it and no go. Then I re-test and no good, then a third time it works.:yikes: So now I'm a little mad. So I go and try to buy my favorite N64 Games and the chan. doesn't go though and It says my Internet is messed up. So I go back and delete the connection one and try again....when i search for a access point ITS NOT THERE :mad5: :sick: I've now found that some people's 2wire's stop emmiting a wireless signal after 5 min. of being on. But when my Wii can't even see that the router is there my DS works like a charm. So I unplug my router and plug it back in and the Wii knows the thing is there then..poof. Then I eventually gave up and went to the old...click re-try until it works on the Wii shop chan. EVENTUALLY (about an hour and a half later) The signal goes through and I was able to buy some games. I've never been able to get back on after that...soooo anyone got any thoughts to add to this. I was able to get on one time that's the thing that really pisses me off so i really don't know whats up. Please post if you can help me or you have had similar problems.