Players that play MSC a lot thread


WiiChat Member
Jun 27, 2007
Miami, Florida.
Wii Online Code
Ok i have msc and i gotta say that i play it a lot, like at least once a day. And i have a lot of friends in my friend roster and they hardly ever go online. So if u r a msc player that plays the game a lot(like me) or at least regularly, then post ur msc friend code here and add me. My friend code is in my sign.
my friend code is in my signature along with my record to show you how much I play :)

I wish people didn't disconnect or my score would be read like 700 wins (seriously)
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SantaClaws said:
my friend code is in my signature along with my record to show you how much I play :)

I wish people didn't disconnect or my score would be read like 700 wins (seriously)

ok i added u. My friend code is also on my sign so add me.
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Anyone else??? come on there has 2 be more people that play this game regularly/a lot.
Yeah, we play daily. 2 on 2, seeing as we pass the controller around a lot in our house. Pretty much all of us are phenominal, but theres one pairing in particular....
Me and my partner....
We've only lost once since we got good, read our other post for more information on that subject.
But yeah..... i dont have any online friends for msc, so i dont know how the friends system works..... but talk to me in myown thread, which i will try to check regularly, and ill be happy to set up games with elite players.

the challenge has been set
jorgelink said:
Ok i have msc and i gotta say that i play it a lot, like at least once a day. And i have a lot of friends in my friend roster and they hardly ever go online. So if u r a msc player that plays the game a lot(like me) or at least regularly, then post ur msc friend code here and add me. My friend code is in my sign.

Nice to meet you, I am looking for some good MSC friends too. Since all you get is noobs that disconnect on you. My friend code is 201973 304587

If you cant catch me online my email is MSN or email. If you have 360 my gamertag is Sevn87

201973 304587 I will add you
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Sevn.7 said:
Nice to meet you, I am looking for some good MSC friends too. Since all you get is noobs that disconnect on you. My friend code is 201973 304587

If you cant catch me online my email is MSN or email. If you have 360 my gamertag is Sevn87

201973 304587 I will add you

Hey i added u, sorry 4 not posting earlier is just that i got banned 4 a while. Also i don't have a 360, my email is

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