Pixel Rendering Problem


WiiChat Member
Dec 18, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario
I've got a strange issue, and I've googled around for a solution and am trying to troubleshoot, but thought I'd post it on here to see if anyone else has seen/dealt with it before I RMA my Wii...

I've only had my Wii for a couple months, and last week I bought a Component cable to run 480p. Instantly, I noticed a huge downgrade in graphics quality including jagged edging and such. Worse yet, I noticed a strange rendering problem when I get massive clusters of pixels show-up at random and are skewed or totally incorrect colors. In the main Wii menu, there's a couple skewed pixels in the white-space, and then playing games like Zelda is REALLY noticeable in the video sequences... massive amounts of pixel clustering that looks like incomplete rendering or something along those lines.

Now, here's something a bit more concerning. I've tried different component cables, as well as going back to the composite cable. Whether in 480i or 480p does not make a difference, and being on composite makes the picture smoother and such, but you can still see the pixel clustering, it's just less obvious.

I'm testing my Wii on a friend's TV tonight to rule out my television... but do you think it's my Wii or just a commonality?

Any help/light on the situation is always appreciated.
Yep sounds like an Internal problem =/ since alternating component cables didnt work. Send it to Nintendo if it displays the same problem on your friends TV.
I came on to this board last week for a similar problem (maybe even the same problem). Check out this forum listing and see if it is what your are experiencing. In the thread there is a youtube video that showed exactly the same problem I had.


Since I purchased my wii at Bestbuy and purchased the 2 year warranty, I called them up and told them the problem. They took my name down and saved me a wii from their last shipment and was able to exchange it for free. I have heard that you can also contact Nintendo and they will take care of you.

Hope this helps!
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darhiza222 said:
I came on to this board last week for a similar problem (maybe even the same problem). Check out this forum listing and see if it is what your are experiencing. In the thread there is a youtube video that showed exactly the same problem I had.


Since I purchased my wii at Bestbuy and purchased the 2 year warranty, I called them up and told them the problem. They took my name down and saved me a wii from their last shipment and was able to exchange it for free. I have heard that you can also contact Nintendo and they will take care of you.

Hope this helps!

ARGH! THANK YOU!!!! That video is exactly what's going on with my Wii! I didn't check too far int hat thread cuz the problem isn't really "black lines". Tested it out on my friend's TV, and sure enough it's bunk. :frown2: Sucks, I can't believe it. Oh well, lets hope this only happens once to me, and I won't have to RMA it another 2 months from now for the same problem.

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