Phantasy Star


WiiChat Member
Nov 12, 2007
Wii Online Code
Has anyone heard any news of a new one coming to the wii? since the last one was in the gamecube I was kinda expecting one for the wii and be play to play it online.
lol i posted this when i was new to the forum too. The answer i got was no, PSU was meant to last for 5 years or so, although they made pso 3 pretty quickly. A game that is kinda similar looking is Monster Hunter 3. Wiki or Youtube it, it looks pretty good. Its coming out for the wii in about a year.
I prefer the proper ones.

Not the online ones.

But no news on a proper PS game
Lastking23 said:
Has anyone heard any news of a new one coming to the wii? since the last one was in the gamecube I was kinda expecting one for the wii and be play to play it online.
I hope they port Universe and its expansions to Wii. They easily could and add 16:9 progressive-scan support and Wi-Fi connect support. If you did not know it does have an offline mode like PSO, but you cannot play it splitscreen like PSO. Maybe they could add splitscreen offline support?

I am currently playing Phantasy Star Online Episodes I&II Plus on my new Wii.

PSO is one of my alltime fave games and I have logged 100s of hours into it offline on Xbox and Gamecube!

I also love the original Phantasy Star on SMS and II-IV on Genesis. II is tied with PSO as my fave games in the series. Universe is also quite fun.

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