PES coming to a wii

looks pretty cool. not sure about the way you move other players though. seems like it could get really confusing.
I hope that PES will be a great game! If the controls are manageable and responsive that is... but still, judging from the article it looks awesome!
WOW! if these controls work as smoothly as they look in the video then this has the potential of being the best game of all time, IMO.
I'm enjoying FIFA but I have always seen the controls as being gimmicky. The controls on PES 2008 look like they are going to change the experience of playing console football altogether.
I was considering trading my Wii in for a PS3 when PES 2008 comes out on it, but no way, not now.
Also the graphics look so much smoother than FIFA, although the facial likenesses dont look any better than PES6 (in particular Fernando Torres), but thats just a very minor negative.
And another also is that they had better keep the Master League in for the Wii version. Not to fussed about online because of the inconsistency and lag I'm experiencing with FIFA online, but the Master League is an absolute must, are you listening Konami? are you? you better be!
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Oh, my, God! FINALLY! A football game that lets me take control of every player I want to! The closest thing to this was Fifa 06 (or 05 maybe, can't quite remember), where you could control a second player (why the hell did they scrap that??). But that was only ONE player! This will let me do everything! I must say, it looks very difficult, but that will just be part of the learning. Mastering this will probably take some time, but once that's done this has the potential to be the greatest football game of all time, and to set a new benchmark in football games. I knew I'd be interested in PES for the Wii, particularly after some of the, lets say annoyances, of Fifa 08. But now I am very excited and cannot wait for some hands-on previews!

Edit: Oh, the only thing that puts me off though is that it looks like some pr*ck will be on the cover.

Double Edit: Ok I really should have watched all of the video before posting, but I was waiting for it to buffer. Anyway, I'm not sure about the shooting! Why can't we just press a button to shoot?! Shaking the Nunchuck sounds just as bad as flicking the Wiimote, so we'll have to wait and see. Plus, after some thinking, it seems that a ground pass and a lobbed pass are acheived depending on how far the pass is. This could be a problem incase I want to a ground pass but it's at a distance...also I'll have to wait and see all of the possible operations. Such as skill, dummys, and other things.
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Using the pointer to direct passes and runs seems like an awesome idea. Not sure about the shaking nunchuk to shoot though, it would be better if the pointer be used to aim the shots too.
Looks really good, think i'll be adding this alongside Fifa, however some of the controls do look difficult so i guess we'll just have to wait and see, why they don't just use the A button and pointer for shoot i don't know
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I think you using the nunchuck makes sense. I mean that way it feels like you are "kicking" it in, and you can control how strong and the spin of the ball with the motionof the nunchuck. Simply hitting A, requires you to only pass and pass and pass and shoot. This ways gets you more involved.
tunaonrice said:
I think you using the nunchuck makes sense. I mean that way it feels like you are "kicking" it in, and you can control how strong and the spin of the ball with the motionof the nunchuck. Simply hitting A, requires you to only pass and pass and pass and shoot. This ways gets you more involved.

Yeah possibly, i just hope it works better than the shooting in Fifa then
tunaonrice said:
I think you using the nunchuck makes sense. I mean that way it feels like you are "kicking" it in, and you can control how strong and the spin of the ball with the motionof the nunchuck. Simply hitting A, requires you to only pass and pass and pass and shoot. This ways gets you more involved.
How would you (effectively) control the power and spin of the ball using the Nunchuck? It has to be a different way than Fifa with the Wiimote because controlling the power with that is just hit and miss, and that's even if it recognises you're trying to shoot!
I Really Cant Wait For PES2008 To Come Out On Wii! Looks Amazin!

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