People who played Call of Duty 3 and MoH:H2/MP3


Dec 1, 2007
Augusta, GA
Are the way you move around and aim similiar to MoH:H2 and MP3? Because ive always said FPS would be great on Wii. But after burrowing CoD3 and playing it, im not so sure I think that anymore.

I noticed that in MoH:H2 videos it seems like you turn and strafe the same way. But its horrible, its like it doesnt turn right away you have to put all the way to the left before it actually starts to turn. Unlike in 360/PS3 versions once you move the crosshair it turns, on the Wii the gun moves first, then you move. I thought the whole screen would move around when you moved the pointer, this is kind of gay. I turned off the Wii after like 10 mins of CoD3 and popped in SPM.

Is this how it is on MP3 and MoH:H2?
nooooooo yu have a lil box tat you can adjust that is generally in the middle of your screen (cant actually see it obviously) called the deadzone. You can make it extremely small and that way, when you move, the screen moves too, or if you make it large, so the screen doesnt move... sry for bad explanation.

COD3 is the poorest example of FPS Controls on the Wii there is. MP3 improved on those by at 100% and MOH:H2 took it just a little farther with the ability to completely customize the controls to what suits you best. Don't base FPS games off one of the crappiest ports out there, COD3 was rushed out at launch and it shows.
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Okay cool, thanks guys.

and Dbomb3 I understood what you meant and that sounds perfect. Im thinking of buying MoH:H2 even though I have CoD4 so I can have some action with point and click on my Wii from time 2 time. Plus sometimes I wanna get into some WWII/32-Player action. Of course I want MP3 too :)
COD3 is nothing compared to MP3. On expert setting the MP3 controls are so fluid they really do come close to the speed and acuracy of a keyboard/mouse set up.

Other Wii FPSs that came out before MP3 such as COD3, MOH Vanguard, Red Steel etc are just no match for it. For a comparison id suggest trying to play a 360 game whilst wearing a big pair of mittens and that would be like playing COD3, then take the mittens off and the improvement would be about equal to the improvement that MP3 has over COD3. It really is that vast.

I havent played MOH Heroes 2 yet but reportedly the controls are even better than MP3.

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