PC to Wii?


WiiChat Member
Jul 21, 2006
Someone mentioned elsewhere that on the Wii a game like Spore (which will be great) could be played using the Wii-mote to simply point and click... Thoughts on other possible PC games translated easily to the Wii?
that would be great! the RTS games arent very good on other consoles but it would be like a mouse with the wiimote. plus, a lot of PC developers would be interested in this kind of thing
Im hoping Spore has low system requirements. My motherboard runs AGP and not PCI express so I am kinda limited to graphics cards. But I will probably upgrade when spore comes out to something more along the lines of 256 MB, 16 pixel piplines, 400mhz core 1000 mhz memory clock. I think those are the general specs. But thats toward the tops of what is available for AGP - would run me about 200 bucks - but If i need a better graphics card after buying spore then I will likely get that. Looking at the screen shots from spore, I cant imagine it not having super high system requirements. Like a gig of system ram and 256 graphics ram and pentium 4/AMD 3000+ .But the word seems to be that it will have low memory requirements. Also, if it comes out on wii then the odds are better of my desire for linkable spore ds with spore console/pc - the only problem is that I wont want to wait after it comes out on PC for the console version - I will want the game as soon as it hits the shelf in any form. (PC is said to be first )
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Yeah, I myself am very anxious for it but I don't really have a choice. Will Wright said they'd be letting Spore out for all the consoles, and even on cell phones, but I really hope they won't take out too much of the great elements for Spore in the Wii version. The other console versions I don't care about, but the way I see it, Spore could take advantage of the great Wii-mote to have the exact same gameplay on the Wii as on the PC.

And as you stated, there are expectations that Spore will be able to run on low memory because of the whole "procedural gaming" thing.
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It just looks like such a great game that I will die a little inside if I can't play it. I'm grateful to Nintendo for the upcoming Wii, and the fact that thanks to it the experience of Spore can be a real thrill - maybe even better than on the PC.
Always wondered if RTS gaming would ever move into console gaming. To a very minimal extent there have been RTS on the console, but they are never as good as their PC mouse & keyboard counterparts.

With the Wii & the Wiimote - it could be the first time a console actually makes RTS gaming just as good as on the PC.
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Yep. I'm really excited about the prospects of this because I'm a huge RTS fan.
More PC games to wii... I think age of empires is the only game will very look cool on those tipes of games
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I'm a big fan of Age of Empires... It would also be a miracle if they brought over Command and Conquer... Great game, right there.
here is the spore gameplay video for those who never saw it: [MEDIA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiaXyNrUChI[/MEDIA]

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