I'm Good at Games
These are my opinions on gaming today, not just fanboyism
Over the past few weeks, I purchased a PS3 for myself and my siblings because we simply became bored with what the Xbox 360 had to offer in terms of games and other forms of digital entertainment. I found myelf asking the almighty gods of the internet for advice on what games to buy, what accessories I need, and for PS3 communities that I could hang out in and talk to people about games, not just for the PS3, but for all gaming systems. But while I was scouring the internet for information, I came across an internet atrocity the likes of which I've never seen. I'm taking, of course, of the XBox 360 Republic. Home to such intelectuals as Orca364, PSPVIRUS, and last, the king of Fanboys, GeneralMLD. I brought myself to go through 4 threads in the Console Wars section of their forum, and to be honest, I was apalled to see people claiming to be true "gamers" speaking about this subject with such single minded views as those.
GeneralMLD said:a 360 multiplat not on ps3 still counts.
Okay, first off, a game thats on the 360 and the PC, but not the PS3, is not an Xbox 360 exclusive. This logic can be competely nullified by looking in a dictionary. from (You seriously think that I, of all people, own a dictionary? FAIL) "Exclusive: noting that in which no others have a share" This could easily be interpreted as saying "Belonging to only one party" The party being the 360, thus saying that games that are on the 360 and the PC are not exclusive. But then again, most of the "gamers" on that forum would say some completely illogic statement to try and contradict the dictionary, and would have a freaking army of people just stalking the forums, waiting for something like this to pop up, ready to defend them. This, to me, embodies the Fanboy persona. Trolling the internet, flaming youtube videos and threads on forums about other consoles, using completely retarded logic in your arguments, and then bringing in the horde to defend them.
I put the word gamers in parenthesis in that paragraph because the people on that forum are not true gamers. Since when was gaming about defending your console of choice, flaming another console simply because it isn't your own. In my opinion, in no way are you a true gamer if you limit your gaming experience to only one console. I remember back in the day of 1999, when I was 8, that I had both an N64 and a PS1. Since I obviously about as much of a life back then as I do now, I would sit at home playing both about as much as possible. I got as much out of my games as I possibly could, playing both systems exstensivley without caring which console had the better games or graphics. It didn't matter to me back then, and it shouldn't matter to anybody claiming to be a gamer now. I just irks me when people come into threads ranting about the Xbox 360 having the most amazing games, when in all reality, it doesn't matter. I play games for enjoyment. It shouldn't matter which console I play them on.
I found a guy on youtube by the name of Diifii. I love this guy so much. Go check out his channel on youtube, subscribe, do whatever, he's a true gamer. You may be a little weirded out by the way he acts, but he's really fun. He posts game reviews about all games on all consoles. He doesn't care about which console has better exclusives or what console has the better versions of multiplats. He just plays games to have fun, like most people should. I'm not saying that 360 fanboys aren't having fun with their console, but to me, you cannot get the best gaming experience by limiting yourself to one console and then just patrolling the internet for any sign of opinions contrary to your own.
Diifii, to me, exempifies what gaming used to be, and what it should be today: just having fun without caring what console is the best console, or which console has the best games or graphics or whatever.
This was simpy a nonsensical rant to get some of my opinions out of my head, but I really do wish that gaming was like it used to be. The internet gaming "community" would be a whole lot better if fanboyism and console flaming just didn't exist, but if I had wheels, I'd be a wagon, so this will most likely never be.
P.S.:360 fanboys are the worst, everybody can agree on this, even the 360 fanboys.
P.S.S.~Don't flame me because this post didn't make any sense, I just wanted to voice my opinions, and I'm really, really bad at it.