Ok im doing the unthinkable!


WiiChat Member
Feb 4, 2009
Ok i have decided to get a PS3.

What do i need?

I know the online is ganna be fine with free WiFi.
What about connecting to the TV, i need an HDMI cable correct?
Do the wireless controllers need a charging station? or do they recharge with whatever comes with the system?

Also does anyone know of another controller i could buy that has the left analog stick up more on the controller? Like the 360 one.

Thanks for any info you have.
Ok i have decided to get a PS3.

What do i need?

I know the online is ganna be fine with free WiFi.
What about connecting to the TV, i need an HDMI cable correct?
only if your TV is HD and it comes with one. you can play without the HD but the graphic quality sucks then so if your TV is HD then use the HD.
Do the wireless controllers need a charging station? or do they recharge with whatever comes with the system?
it comes with a cord to hook the controllers to the PS3. so long as they're plugged in and the PS3 is on or on stand-by, the controllers charge themselves.
Also does anyone know of another controller i could buy that has the left analog stick up more on the controller? Like the 360 one.

Thanks for any info you have.
the PS3 does not gave any controllers like that.
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I was looking at some PS3 controllers on Amazon that are like the 360 ones but there not made by Sony. I was hoping someone had some reviews about them. I have read some and they seem pretty good so idk well see.

The $299 PS3 Slim comes with an HDMI cable? Are you sure? If so that rocks!
slims do not come with hdmi or componet, so you need that (HDMI perferably)
The $299 PS3 Slim comes with an HDMI cable? Are you sure? If so that rocks!

It's not that they come packaged into the box with the console, but more that stores are selling the two separate items together as a bundle.
slims do not come with hdmi or componet, so you need that (HDMI perferably)
really? i was expecting them to come with the HD cable but not included the other ones. i mean wouldn't that make more sense considering practically everybody has an HD TV?
really? i was expecting them to come with the HD cable but not included the other ones. i mean wouldn't that make more sense considering practically everybody has an HD TV?

But you see, Analog and Component (more so Analog) can be used for SD and HD TVs, where as HDMI cables can't be plugged into SD TVs, not to mention the cost.
If you're plannig on playing shooters like Call of Duty online, then definitely get a headset. I hate when people on my team don't have them so it's near impossible to communicate with them.

But great, decision, the PS3 is a fantastic media machine. Enjoy blu-ray, and the tons of great games that are already released. (There's a huge list of great titles upcoming too)
really? i was expecting them to come with the HD cable but not included the other ones. i mean wouldn't that make more sense considering practically everybody has an HD TV?
But you see, Analog and Component (more so Analog) can be used for SD and HD TVs, where as HDMI cables can't be plugged into SD TVs, not to mention the cost.
i seriously think they should include the HD cables and not the other ones. i mean practically everybody has an HD tv so it just makes more sense and it would make a bit more money too in my opinion.
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really? i was expecting them to come with the HD cable but not included the other ones. i mean wouldn't that make more sense considering practically everybody has an HD TV?
But you see, Analog and Component (more so Analog) can be used for SD and HD TVs, where as HDMI cables can't be plugged into SD TVs, not to mention the cost.
i seriously think they should include the HD cables and not the other ones. i mean practically everybody has an HD tv so it just makes more sense and it would make a bit more money too in my opinion.

Ya know whats funny? Im ganna praise sony here. God i cant believe im ganna do this, I HATE SONY! But i have to do it.

I dont mind getting the HDMI cables seprate. I went into this thinking i want an HD console. So i was ganna go get the one with the, arguably but my opinion non the less, best software library. So i was ganna go get me a 360.

Then i started really looking into it. $100 for a god damn wireless adapter? Um PS3 has it for free. Put that on top of the $50 a year for Live, even though i already knew this. Oh and the incredable failure rate and i was all like **** M$.

I dont care about Blue ray, i wont use it. I get a gaming machine to ya know, play games. But its free so no biggy lol.

About the Library. I HATE console FPS's. Well kinda. I like anything with good RPG elements, even an FPS so well see what its got to offer. I dont do console FPS online against other players because i needs my mouse and keyboard. So i play those on my PC.

My first 2 games im looking at are Infamous and Marvel Ultamite Alliance 2.

What are some other good Action RPG's? I already got Fallout 3 on PC. I also like Co-op online stuff. Like Left 4 Dead. Already got that on PC too. Part of the reason i didnt mind not getting a 360, i get most of the games on PC anyways.

Thanks again. Im really trying to like PS3 fans now that im ganna be getting one lol. being a Wii fan its been tough but im trying. I really am...:yesnod:
But you see, Analog and Component (more so Analog) can be used for SD and HD TVs, where as HDMI cables can't be plugged into SD TVs, not to mention the cost.
i seriously think they should include the HD cables and not the other ones. i mean practically everybody has an HD tv so it just makes more sense and it would make a bit more money too in my opinion.

Ya know whats funny? Im ganna praise sony here. God i cant believe im ganna do this, I HATE SONY! But i have to do it.

I dont mind getting the HDMI cables seprate. I went into this thinking i want an HD console. So i was ganna go get the one with the, arguably but my opinion non the less, best software library. So i was ganna go get me a 360.

Then i started really looking into it. $100 for a god damn wireless adapter? Um PS3 has it for free. Put that on top of the $50 a year for Live, even though i already knew this. Oh and the incredable failure rate and i was all like **** M$.

I dont care about Blue ray, i wont use it. I get a gaming machine to ya know, play games. But its free so no biggy lol.

About the Library. I HATE console FPS's. Well kinda. I like anything with good RPG elements, even an FPS so well see what its got to offer. I dont do console FPS online against other players because i needs my mouse and keyboard. So i play those on my PC.

My first 2 games im looking at are Infamous and Marvel Ultamite Alliance 2.

What are some other good Action RPG's? I already got Fallout 3 on PC. I also like Co-op online stuff. Like Left 4 Dead. Already got that on PC too. Part of the reason i didnt mind not getting a 360, i get most of the games on PC anyways.

Thanks again. Im really trying to like PS3 fans now that im ganna be getting one lol. being a Wii fan its been tough but im trying. I really am...:yesnod:

Valkryia Chronices and Folklore are two very good RPGs. Valkyria is more of a tactical RPG, whereas Folkore is more of a traditional type. I honestly just purchased Valkyria and haven't really gotten too far into it yet, but I'm impressed with the battle system and the backstory.
But you see, Analog and Component (more so Analog) can be used for SD and HD TVs, where as HDMI cables can't be plugged into SD TVs, not to mention the cost.
i seriously think they should include the HD cables and not the other ones. i mean practically everybody has an HD tv so it just makes more sense and it would make a bit more money too in my opinion.

Ya know whats funny? Im ganna praise sony here. God i cant believe im ganna do this, I HATE SONY! But i have to do it.

I dont mind getting the HDMI cables seprate. I went into this thinking i want an HD console. So i was ganna go get the one with the, arguably but my opinion non the less, best software library. So i was ganna go get me a 360.

Then i started really looking into it. $100 for a god damn wireless adapter? Um PS3 has it for free. Put that on top of the $50 a year for Live, even though i already knew this. Oh and the incredable failure rate and i was all like **** M$.

I dont care about Blue ray, i wont use it. I get a gaming machine to ya know, play games. But its free so no biggy lol.

About the Library. I HATE console FPS's. Well kinda. I like anything with good RPG elements, even an FPS so well see what its got to offer. I dont do console FPS online against other players because i needs my mouse and keyboard. So i play those on my PC.

My first 2 games im looking at are Infamous and Marvel Ultamite Alliance 2.

What are some other good Action RPG's? I already got Fallout 3 on PC. I also like Co-op online stuff. Like Left 4 Dead. Already got that on PC too. Part of the reason i didnt mind not getting a 360, i get most of the games on PC anyways.

Thanks again. Im really trying to like PS3 fans now that im ganna be getting one lol. being a Wii fan its been tough but im trying. I really am...:yesnod:

Action RPG? I know a great one. A little game by the name of the Elder Scrolls Oblivion. In fact, it's one of the best RPG's I've ever played. If you're really a fan of the genre, it would suit you perfectly.
the best strategy RPG with a funny as all hell storyline is Disgaea 3. and you don't need to play the first 2 to understand the plot either.(though you won't know some characters during the afterstory)

and a good co-op game is RE5. you mentioned you like L4D so its definately worth getting.

oh and a must for the PS3 is LBP. you won't be disappointed

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