Oh my.


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Nov 5, 2006
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Wii Online Code
I had zero interest in this game whatsoever but I saw it on the shelf at my nearby movie rental place so I decided what the heck.

And wow, this is a really good game. Not only does it have crazy trippy visuals but it just has sweet gameplay.

The only complaint I have is the long boring text.
So you're saying Super Paper Mario is good? I should try it out, my friends also say it's a great game to play. He's obsessed with the fact that you can switch into 3D mode.
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FR. said:
So you're saying Super Paper Mario is good? I should try it out, my friends also say it's a great game to play. He's obsessed with the fact that you can switch into 3D mode.

Yes it is awesome. And I love the whole leveling up/experience aspect to the game.
Yeah I rented this game and loved it.
I will have to buy it though for sure.
I didn't plan on spending $50 on it, but I ended up doing so anyway because it's much easier to hold the Wii controller (as opposed to the nunchuck or an Xbox pad) with my burned hand. I'm not very far into it, but so far the flipping mechanic is pretty cool.
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Wade said:
I didn't plan on spending $50 on it, but I ended up doing so anyway because it's much easier to hold the Wii controller (as opposed to the nunchuck or an Xbox pad) with my burned hand. I'm not very far into it, but so far the flipping mechanic is pretty cool.

Yes it really is. And the thing is, even if you buy the game and beat it right away, you can always trade it in. That's what I do. I have a local gaming store that is awesome about store credit if it's a new game that hasn't been owned for very long. I don't even spend money on games much anymore I just use store credit.
sherwood3570 said:
We just rented it too. My gf is obsessed...but I don't think it's worth paying $50 for.
my girlfriend also was obsessed with this game she wouldnt stop, the funny thing is she BEAT the game b4 i did, i couldent believe my eyes:yikes: my gf just beat a video game. so now i figure the worlds gona end.:sick: but yea after that i dont even play it any more good game though i recommend it

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