G gingerkid Banned Mar 18, 2007 306 4 Jul 21, 2007 #1 give your aim and or msn creenname so everybody can get to know each other and be social. have fun!
ARav989 WiiChat Member Dec 13, 2006 1,202 10 New Joisey 0_o Wii Online Code 6597-7058-7157-6973 Jul 21, 2007 #2 Screenames under my posts. IM me. Ill answer.
paintba||er WiiChat Member Sep 17, 2006 3,414 53 Mormonville, Utah XBL GamerTag: sheise PSNID: s Wii Online Code 8354-0173-2009-5422 Jul 21, 2007 #3 There is already a thread on this. Anyway, my MSN is tippmann98rocks@hotmail.com I have other accounts, but I don't use them much. They are over by my name anyway.
There is already a thread on this. Anyway, my MSN is tippmann98rocks@hotmail.com I have other accounts, but I don't use them much. They are over by my name anyway.
W WiiWouldLike2Play CU Guild For Life! :DDD Dec 17, 2006 2,114 49 Clearwater, Florida Wii Online Code 2881-3576-4343-5770 Jul 21, 2007 #4 aww, come on paintballer! ugh.. fine one sec. limme go find this Contact List thread. -Click Here-