Ocarina Glitch?


WiiChat Member
Jan 12, 2007
Columbus,OH USA
Wii Online Code
I used to own Ocarina back on the 64,bought it the day it came out,and loved the hell out of it. I bought it when it was released on the VC but couldn't really get back into it as I was heavily involved with TP at the time...BTW,TP is my favorite Zelda yet,having played through and completed all NES,SNES,GB,GBA,N64 and GCN titles except AoL.Anyway here's my issue.

I started playing and got to the point where I get Zeldas letter and am about to head to Death Mountain. I saved my game and turned off the Wii. I just went back to play and my save file is intact and I still have everything in my inventory(including the hatched Chicken?) but no letter from Zelda.Navi keeps asking me "where are we going to find the Princess in this big castle" or something like that but I have already talked to her. I tried to go back in where I awoke Talon but as soon as I'm inside two guards kick me out so I know the game thinks I talked to Zelda already but no one in the game seems to think so...not even the Owl. Just wondering if this has happened to anyone else or if this is a known glitch on the N64 as well?
Are you sure you saved? Even after talking to Zelda, you should still be able to go back to the castle in the area you met Zelda, make sure you get there at night and you keep your distance from the guards, if you get there during the day and you have sun song (or whatever it is called), you can play the song and make it night, then you should be able to get to the place where you found talon
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I'm pretty sure I saved,I can make it all the way to the place where you wake up Talon and enter the castle through the little hole in the wall but as soon as I'm inside two guards immediately throw me out.
Strange, dosen't do that on mine, I was going to ask where you lived (being that there changes to games for different countries sometimes), but then I noticed from your sidebar, not only do you live in the same country I do, but you live in the same state too, so the game is sure to be 100% the same as mine, I will have to play it again , but I am pretty sure that I was able to get back in

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