Nyko Wand+ (alt to Wiimote)


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
Because some times you might need a (possibly) crappy other controller to beat people better than you, but this one seems to have more on its mind than just being another clone.

Nyko has what it plans to be the world's first Wiimote replacement with the Motion Plus add-on built-in. Dubbed the Wand+, the controller will retail for $39.99 and should be on shelves by March. In addition to those fancy gryoscopes, the Wand+ has a matte rubberized back and rubberized buttons that are pretty comfortable to the touch, there's a built-in camera for acting as a "regular" Bluetooth mouse, and the whole assembly is much lighter than a Wiimote / Motion Plus combo.
Full gallery here
Expect me to find and post a review of it when it comes out
Woah, this looks awesome. That will be a Birthday present for me. I dont like the look of the D-Pad though with those extra bits. On other controllers for the Ps2 they had a similar style. (Mad Catz i think) And when ever you wanted to push up and you were not pushing it right on the up key, it would push left or right. Very annoying

I like the white one with the red and blue buttons in the gallery.

Nice Pics
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The white one is the old type (note the lack of "+" on the bottom)

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