Go Win a Darwin Award
Before I start, I'd like to point out that it would be really nice if Guitar Hero had it's own sub-thread
any game with good online should have one T_T's the guitar
any game with good online should have one T_T's the guitar

Nyko showed off some new accessories for the Wii and other systems (but most importantly the Wii) at the CES trade show. The company offered some more concrete information about the release of their Wireless Nunchuck, specifying a Q1 2008 release window and $30 price point for this product.
Their other Wii peripheral is something that fills a very important need in the Wii accessory lineup: a standalone Guitar Hero III controller. The Nyko Frontman Wireless Guitar is a wireless (obviously) controller styled after the Fender Telecaster. This guitar should be out in March or April -- a few months and fifty dollars are the only things between you and rocking out with a second player. Unless Activision beats them to the punch with their own standalone guitars, in which case some other amounts of time and money will be required.