Nyco Charging Station


old skool
Feb 1, 2007
so i picked up the Nyko charging station the other day.. gotta say it is great.. matches the wii perfectly and works great.. i guess nyko is taking a page out of nintendo's book because when i got at gamestop there was only 1 and they said that is all they received.. def recommend it to anybody that is looking for a streamline charger for 2 wiimotes..
krenshaw said:
so i picked up the Nyko charging station the other day.. gotta say it is great.. matches the wii perfectly and works great.. i guess nyko is taking a page out of nintendo's book because when i got at gamestop there was only 1 and they said that is all they received.. def recommend it to anybody that is looking for a streamline charger for 2 wiimotes..

Thanks for the product review but what if you already have a battery charger with rechargeable batteries like I do? Would you still recommend it? I mean the only reason I might get it because I now have 3 Wiimotes and 3 Nunchuks and the recharger can only charge 4 batteries at at time. Plus the Nyko thing comes with grips correct? And is there a way to just set your Wiimotes on it without charging it? Just so you have a place to let them chill while not in use?
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yeah you could set them in w/o recharging, but you can get a cheaper item for just a stand.. it was only 30 bucks so it wasn't too bad at all.. the grips included are nice, very comfortable though i haven't gotten into any games since i got it yesterday so i don't know if they are effective or not.. if you already spent the money on batteries it may not be practical, unless you just want a spot to put the 2 controllers you use most often and just keep your other rechargeables in the other
Thanks for the quick response man. It looks good but I think I'm gonna just look for a stand. My brothers and I usually don't get crazy and we've never broken a controller by throwing at anything much less the television itself so I'm not too hung up on
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yeah the grips aren't the selling point, the charging is, and if you already have that then it really doesn't make much sense to get it
Eh, I ordered it and still haven't got mine in the mail yet. o_O
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where'd you order it from?? i pre ordered tiger woods hopefully i'll be here pretty fast after it comes out
Been looking at this online.. Definatly going to have to invest in something recharagable, and this is a strong possibility.
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of all the ones i've seen online this matches the wii look the best.. only downside i've found is that when you put them in the cradle you have to make sure the wrist strap is out of the way, but that would happen in any charging station

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