NTSC format in UK


WiiChat Member
Jun 9, 2007
Hi all, does anyone know if there is a difference in the NTSC and PAL formats on wii? Can NTSC be used in the UK?
I heard that if its wii it will work, if so then why different formats??
any help much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
As above, and also you might need to change the transformer to one that works in the UK..... check the power rating.
captainff said:
As above, and also you might need to change the transformer to one that works in the UK..... check the power rating.
Good catch. I wonder why nintendo didn't supply a multivoltage adapter? Even the aftermarket units do this.
because the release dates in different countries are different and they dont really want people importing their games from one countruy because it may end up them saving money. Like if people from england were to but games from american would could b saveing £20-25 on each games, which is massive

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