November 19th?!


WiiChat Member
Sep 11, 2006
I thought Nintendo promised it would come BEFORE PS3. PS3 comes out November 17th. Wtf?

It Nintendo pulling a prank or something? So far, Nintendo has been true with their word...

I can't wait two months. I'll go mad.
well they are sticking to their sunday release at least lol. im kinda pissed too because i wanted the wii on my birthday (aka d-day for the PS3 aka PS3 launch day lol)
they didnt promise before ps3, they promised before thanksgiving. im pissed off too, i was so hoping for early november, but hey all these features will hold me over! we use to make fun of how wii is a GAMING console and ps3 and 360 are just media, well not look at Wii, its FULL gaming and FULL media! AMAZING! I PROMISE info will keep flowing in, so time till go by quickly
Well at least here in America (Included Latin America) we are getting it at 19th November, and Japanese in December 2!
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Thats what I find weird.

Japan got notified first. Why would they get it after us? When more than three fourths of Japan plays video games, and when only half of USA plays VG's. Why would they get it later?
their trying to redo the DS thing, maybe they think the ordering was a key to success, for DS us got it first in november 18th, then japan got it in decemember, then europe got it last
i thought it was interesting how they said that 4 million consoles by the end of the calander yar, and most are coming to north america, is there really more people in all that play video games here in america?, i think it is part of their strategy, they have seen how well the ds has played with people who have enver played agame before or havent played in a while and they will accept the console somewhat simmilar in way....
i think more are going to america becuase americans are always trying to look futuristic.
Nintendo's image:
You wake up, the alarm is going off. You get up and walk out into your living room. You grab the Wiimote and take it out of stand by mode (probably any button tap) then go to the news. It tells you the news as you get your coffee, blah blah blah. Then you sit down and see the weather. You check the messages and you get a message from your wife saying she had to go to work early and to make dinner when you get home. All of this quicker, instead of turning on the TV waiting for the news section then waiting for the Weather section, then calling your wife asking where she is.
komio said:
i thought it was interesting how they said that 4 million consoles by the end of the calander yar, and most are coming to north america, is there really more people in all that play video games here in america?, i think it is part of their strategy, they have seen how well the ds has played with people who have enver played agame before or havent played in a while and they will accept the console somewhat simmilar in way....

Yes, it seems that the American gaming population has grown significantly in the last decade or so. We are finally seeing console releases first with bigger numbers than ever. One things for sure, Japan must be hating us right now. LoL Oh well, it's a litte thing called supply and demand.
European Wii release: 8th December

European PS3 release date: March 2007

Number of Nintendo Wii consoles by the end of the year: 4 million

Number of PS3 consoles by the end of the year: 1 million (I think...could be a lot less)

Although Wii comes out after PS3 in both Japan and America, it still beats the PS3 to the European territories, and has way more consoles available at launch than that of the PS3.
if you listen to ign's scoop, they think its a strategy so that when all the PS3s are sold out, kids will still have all this money and want to buy a console, and 2 days later, by the time all ps3s are sold out, there is the light, the Wii! i think its pretty right on