not able to host a game?


WiiChat Member
Nov 15, 2011
hi, I have been playing g,e on my wii,for 9 months now,im a leval 47.
when i first started playing,I could host games,no problems at all. than about 3 months into my playing,our city got flooded,and we lost our I could not play for a month and a half.
when i got my stuff into my new house,and started playing again,I was not able to host a game.and am still not able to host a game.anyone have any ideas?
Be more demending, and a mouth and a half after we moved out of our old house it flooded.
Same ISP? Same bandwidth? Need more info. Also why cant you host?
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why would a diff isp provider make a diff? the rest of the game works fine.
I have dsl,not dial up.
you know when you go into a room,and it says searching for games,and within a min or so,it puts you as a host of that game.well I can stay searching for a game until someone else gets to be a host.I never get the chance to host,like when i first started playing.
ISP is your internet service provider -or- the company that provides your internet. The reason I ask is because you didnt provide enough info. If your connection is poor, you cant host OK well you can host but it sucks to be you... Also you mentioned that you moved which entails a new ISP which may not be as good as your old ISP.

Try setting region on or play a game which nobody plays - Classic Conflict. This will up the chance of you starting as host. Or you can just keep quitting and retrying.

Why do you want to host?
Being more demanding is say your starting the group or your not playing, duh.

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