No video!!!


WiiChat Member
Mar 10, 2008
I know I have seen this reported elsewhere, but has anyone solved the "audio, but no video" problem?

For background:

Wii via COMPOSITE to VCR via COMPOSITE to AV rcvr (Marantz rs7001) VIA COMPONENT to TV

Everything works fine until you try to play Super Mario Brothers (only VC games do this).

I am guessing, since I am using the COMPOSITE cables, the box will not let me switch to interlaced mode (or whatever the A+Z+2 does)

A call to Nintendo support proved useless.
That happened to me, make sure that if you are using an HD cable u change it in the wii settings
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fertogo said:
That happened to me, make sure that if you are using an HD cable u change it in the wii settings

First, please tell me what an "HD cable" is. Because I am using the STOCK composite (Red and white audio and yellow video), the box will not allow me to change the video output settings.

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