No More Naruto !!!

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Jun 19, 2006
Wii Online Code
Sorry for the Naruto fans, but this is getting out of hands... this is a wii forum, and there are a lot of threads regarded to Naruto... I know you like the series but man... keep it calm... for example I like Slipknot, but I havent done any thread about it... well please, this is just my suggestion... if u want to pay attention to this do it, if you don't, no complain for me... well, I hope you pay attention and remmember, I'm not saying naruto is a... I just say this is a wii forum and we have to continue talking about it.
Remeber Aradium Lounge means off topic so we can talk about Naruo all we want if you dont like it dont read the post if you want to post slipnot go ahead but dont yell at is becuase we like something we dont freedom of speech man get used to it :D
lord haku is very right...but arcadium isnt criticizing us, hes saying how too much about naruto is being expressed on a wii chat...but what arcadium doesnt understand is that Wii and Gamecube both have lots to do with Naruto, and thats y they belong in this chat as well; lots of ppl r curious to find out when the new naruto games r coming out for Wii and more; its not just a random thread about, its a good place to talk with ppl about Naruto who like Naruto as well, u know what i mean?
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RPGMasterTurk91 said:
lord haku is very right...but arcadium isnt criticizing us, hes saying how too much about naruto is being expressed on a wii chat...but what arcadium doesnt understand is that Wii and Gamecube both have lots to do with Naruto, and thats y they belong in this chat as well; lots of ppl r curious to find out when the new naruto games r coming out for Wii and more; its not just a random thread about, its a good place to talk with ppl about Naruto who like Naruto as well, u know what i mean?

You got the point, but there are like 6 threads about Naruto wii and GCN games... I'm just saying you should stop a lil bit posting about it, maybe make a thread with ALL the related about Naruto and don't make like 6 threads about it, if the thread I say is done, I say the one who should do it is Lord Haku or SSBB_Lover.
I totally agree, just because I think Anime is stupid/boring, but unfortuantely Lord Haku does have a point. How about this; one of you Naruto fans make like a thread that says "Naratu Official Discussion" or something to that effect, and just talk about it in there? That'll save us the pain of one stupid anime thread after another.
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I gotta agree with arcadium, it really IS getting out of hand, everywhere i look on the forums, is bloody 'naruto this' 'naruto that' or 'hey, lets play another bloody game, of guess what, NARUTO'

That's why I'm saying to stop it and make a new thread with all the naruto stuff and erase the others...
By posting this thread your bringing even more attention to Naruto, it dosen't affect/effect (whatever) me, so I don't mind, it's a pretty cool thing.
In order to hate your enemey, you must know your enemy. (forgot who said that)
It's okay with Naruto, just don't make repeat threads, but thats rules for the forums, so this should really be for allll subjects, Naruto just stands out between like: DS RELEEASE DATE REVEALED and RELEASE DATE REVEALED? It just dosen't seem the same, you just notice naruto because you just see Naruto
He is right maybe there should be a Naruto Section in the off topic forums it would make all threads there I think that would be eaisier what do you guys think?
sKin said:
I totally agree, just because I think Anime is stupid/boring, but unfortuantely Lord Haku does have a point. How about this; one of you Naruto fans make like a thread that says "Naratu Official Discussion" or something to that effect, and just talk about it in there? That'll save us the pain of one stupid anime thread after another.
"The Lounge General OFF-TOPIC FORUM FOR ALL UR NONE WII NEEDS"...hmmmm. Listen guys ur going on about how all these Naruto threads will draw the attention away from the Wii and the main point of this's only about 6 threads! Cmon' guys, no matter wut u hate or r biased about u can't just pull this kinda $h1t...and i'm not saying this just cuz i love Naruto, I mean I didn't even notice there was any naruto threads:tard: It's just posted every once and a while. If u want to stop me talking about Naruto just say, "Hey, this is off-topic, let's get back on topic..." then go on w/ wutever u have to say, okay?

And just to make sure u noticed, I haven't created any of the Naruto threads...not blaming anything on u Haku:D
You make a good point I have posted maybe two threads on Naruto still you have a point this off topic I will once again say this simply ignore the post you dont have to look at everyone besides dont yell at us go bug iON about if your set on it this off topic nothing wrong with taking about Naruto
Naruto doesnt need its own damn section, just one HUGE thread in the lounge, were all anime fans can post about the stupid love towards who ever that naruto is, maybe one or two threads ... but not a whole section...
If you have seen Naruto you woudnt have said that, ok Were all talking about Naruto simply because it comes up it's like saying this "Hey stop talking about the Wii it's really getting annoying" So stop whining and Just Ignore it completely!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
let the guys that wan't to talk about naroty or whatever it's called if they wan't to. i don't care about it so i don't look at that stuff. and that's for u arcadium it's so eysie not to look at it.. how do u write eysiisy eysy
1 little thing(dont yell at me im just asken)y do like a show about a kid in an orenge track suit runing around screaming belevit all day???
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