No More Friend Codes?!

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Pondering Member
Jun 30, 2006
A basement on the hill.
Wii Online Code
Yes, you read the title right. It appears as though Wii will use some type of system code as most of us already know, but the news is that primarily, we may be using actual names! From IGN's Wii Guide it says you will use a System Nickname that you make up when you first start up the Wii and these will be stored in the Wii's Address Book.

I, fortunately, have never had to deal with these friend codes, but I've heard they're quite annoying. This will make Wii's online gaming system way more user friendly. What do you guys think?

To read what I read, go here and put your mouse over the Address Book icon; a description will pop up on the left. It even compares it to Xbox Live, a great online system!

Here's a snapshot of the description if you're feeling lazy:
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^Yeah, I think that's what it's saying. So wait, are you saying you'd rather tell your friends to enter a 10 digit number or an easy to remember name with actual letters? I'd prefer the latter.
I mean It would work as a traditional adress book, heres an interperetation of my exapmle:

Friend: Dan
Location #: enter 10 digit system code here
Nickname: Nickname here

like the system number would be almost like a phone number saved on yer phone, once you enter it as one of yer friends, just search under yer friends name on after that to find them.
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Inspire said:
meh, either way. I can remember names as well as phone numbers...
Sure, but, and I don't know about you, I already have like 20 passwords, a few phone numbers and even some locker combinations to keep in mind. A name gives people a bit more of a personality online and they can also start up conversations.
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Jenova said:
So getting a system early gaurentees the name of your choice. :D
Ah, Jenova! Your location says New York! Lucky! You guys will have first dibs on names at least an hour before anyone else in the U.S.!!:mad5: :lol: jk
NateTheGreat said:
Ah, Jenova! Your location says New York! Lucky! You guys will have first dibs on names at least an hour before anyone else in the U.S.!!:mad5: :lol: jk

Haha! I live 3 hours in the future compared to people in California! :D

I'm making mine Mr.BecKer, and I don't think anybody will take that. xD
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