No MGS4 till 3/1/08


3D Artist
Dec 5, 2006
Wii Online Code
It's almost official, MGS4 is delayed until March 2008. The result? Konami could be adding in online mode, port to 360, or both. There will be more PS3 owners by 2008, so they increase their sales. The downside? Delayed! Delays are the theme of the game industry, SSBB 9/1/07, Spore 2009?, Resident Evil 5 ???, and many other games. The benefit is high quality games for those with patience.
What an amazing game!!! I'm SOOOOO sorry it won't see it's days on the wii...:mad:
That game is worth a PS3 (or a 360 if it goes there!)... i don't think i'll be buying one thought... maybe i'll go play it somewhere...
Aww bum :( I suppose I could wait a bit... I'm hoping Final Fantasy comes out this year.. that will probably last me half a year... or more.
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It's slated for a X-mas launch. It will probably get pushed into 2008 as well. Square, Blizzard, Nintendo are the companies best known for delaying games.
Im quite happy about this. I have yet to buy a 360 and it'll be a good add-on :)
However it shouldn't come to Wii. MGS has always had the good GFX :)

I hope It'll come to 360 but for PS3 owners, It's bad news

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