Nintendo64 wishlist

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Awesome Person
Jun 22, 2007
Wii Online Code
With the recent adding of F-ZeroX to the virtual console there is a small glimmer of hope for new N64 games to be added, but there is still a long way to go. With only 5 games in it's category it is by far the section with the least games. Post your N64 wishlist and we can discuss what games should be added next.

My personal N64 wishlist
1. Donkey Kong 64
2. Diddy Kong Racing
3. Mario Party
4. Paper Mario
5. Super Smash Bros.

My games:Wii sports, Legend of zelda twighlight princess, Red steel, Excite truck, Wii play, Marvel Ultimate alliance.
My vc games:Super mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Donkey Kong, Super Mario Bros., Baseball, Ninja gaiden
My acessories:4 wii remotes, 4 Nunchucks, 2gb san disk memory card
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yea, this is just for N64 games,

My games:Wii sports, Legend of zelda twighlight princess, Red steel, Excite truck, Wii play, Marvel Ultimate alliance.
My vc games:Super mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Donkey Kong, Super Mario Bros., Baseball, Ninja gaiden
My acessories:4 wii remotes, 4 Nunchucks, 2gb san disk memory card
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I know i was talkin to ericlewis91. It would be nice to put that one on so we could expirience the game that started it all before Brawl comes out. Also im cravin some Smash Bros. Unfortunatly the next N64 game to come out will most likely be paper mario.

My games:Wii sports, Legend of zelda twighlight princess, Red steel, Excite truck, Wii play, Marvel Ultimate alliance.
My vc games:Super mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Donkey Kong, Super Mario Bros., Baseball, Ninja gaiden
My acessories:4 wii remotes, 4 Nunchucks, 2gb san disk memory card
Here's some really good N64 games. I recommend avoiding Turok 3. It's the begining reason why Acclaim fell apart years ago.
Killer Instinct
Ogre Battle
Turok 1,2, Rage Wars
Zelda Majora's Mask
Wave Race
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