Nintendo Wii preorder


WiiChat Member
Jul 16, 2006
Wii Online Code
I was wondering if anyone has preordered the Nintendo Wii. I am planning on preordering one at a local EB Games or Gamestop. I live in the US, I hope that places have started preorders.

Yes! just pre-ordered my wii at toys r us!
I think its already been mentioned but at toys r us in australia (melb) you get a free laucnh title. But i was just thinking, does that just mean we will get wii sports at launch or is wii sports bundled with every wii. Will be awesome to get wii sports and a launch title. I think i'm gonna get red steele! :lol:
Yeah Wii Sports is bundled with every Wii. Nintendo finally gives us a game at launch. Its been a while now. Last time was with the SNES when Super Mario World was bundled.
I asked at the local EB friday, the managers have a trade show this week and the guy said they would prolly be getting details on preorders there, so I would check late this week or next week if you want to catch the beginning.

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