Nintendo Wii Faked at E3

after the E3 show, the Wii was not completely finished yet. so wat u saw there is oging to be better, since time brought on more development within the console itself in the past few months. as of right now, the Wii has been completed for a while; alls this means when the blind kid received the Wii is that the Wii is indeed finished, but the release date occurs past when its completed so that more Wiis could be in production until they meet the 4,000,000 quota when it can then go out to stores. this doesnt necessarily mean that they cant work on future projects for the Wii like packages and what not, however.
companies often use incomplete dev kits in shows, the game in loaded into memory to avoid loading times (unless they are showing off fast loading time ;))

ign have received their complete wii (the review version, with green front) minus connect24 feature (because it isnt live yet) - bang goes the unfinished ATi card theory as their memory had game saves stored

in the last e3 sony where using dev kits is rack mount form

with only a few days before us release, the console must have gone through some official testing for wifi protocols (for the strict wifi compatablity laws)

even if the pics arent fake, then the 1st photo could well be the wii in dev kit form, and the GCs could be at the front of the stage for any reason

i would say it is more complete than the ps3 is and has a more definitive release schedule ;)


i do remember Intel where shown to use Amiga 4000+video toaster for some presentations in a show... lol
Nintendo has already stated that they only had Dev kits available and that they had not completely configured how everything was going to fit inside the wii casing. This is really a non-issue. It was so long ago...

And don't get your hopes up that those were merely GC graphics and that the wii will be better. Thats not how it works. it was the GC casing with Wii technology. Simple as that, and there's no shame in doing that. It's about the technology. Not the shape of the casing.

I quite certainly think that the games shown at E3 of this year wouldn't have shown much of the Nintendo Wii's real graphical capabilities.

I think for many of these first batch of games, developers would be quite careful about not to over do the graphics, as to ensure games would run well, and maybe to lower development time.

I think I have recently been reading news about graphical tweaks for certain games (or maybe it was just Red Steel?), which maybe a sign of things to come, I dunno... I think that as developers get to know the Wii Hardware in a practical sense, then they will get to know the limits and hopefully the graphics will get better.

Finally, I'm quite pleased with the graphics I've seen so far... and I must say I'd prefer games with unique/fun gameplay and ordinary graphics, over games with ordinary gameplay and great graphics.

lol thats weird...but I geuss its a good thing considering the graphics will be much better
i don't know much about this blind kid gettin a wii... but (not saying it wasnt) but couldnt the wii not have been finished completely when he got one. i mean graphics wise. i mean... the kid was blind... he wouldn't need the best graphics... that's the perfect setup for nintendo. they give a wii out to someone who doesnt need good graphics and everyone thinks that that's it... no more developement on the graphics.... good run guys.... but maybe they're using that to fool people.... maybe after they gave out a, for lack of a better term, 'faulty' wii and kept upgrading the graphics.... i know it sounds quite unlikely but isn't it possible

by the way i'm not saying that nintendo used a blind kid for their benefit... that's just mean.... you only use deaf people for that
lol no its not your all noobs don't ever post again lol jk this is super old news those were pre-dev kit units that used in developement wii hardware in gamecube cases wii hardware is updated wii hardware yes but not the same it is much better
Sovieto said:
This was basicly admitted by them that the Wiis were running on Gamecube hardware

They aren't running on Gamcube hardware, they're in Gamecube casing. Dev kits are pretty much complete as far as performance goes. And all these people who say the graphics are bad, have you seen them? I don't think bad really describes the graphics; just not as good as PS3.:yesnod:
djma said:
They aren't running on Gamcube hardware, they're in Gamecube casing. Dev kits are pretty much complete as far as performance goes. And all these people who say the graphics are bad, have you seen them? I don't think bad really describes the graphics; just not as good as PS3.:yesnod:

Yes those was pretty much Gamecube hardware.. Those was sented to developers that they could really focus on controls, not the graphics. The real dev-kits did come out much later.

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