Nintendo Wii development rises, DS declines


Canadian/Gamer for life
Sep 17, 2007
Wii Online Code
In an investor Q&A from the 25th, Nintendo managing directors, asked about future internal development, noted that while overall development effort remained steady, that the company has been emphasizing Wii development over DS development by shifting developer headcount from one platform to the other.

Nintendo's reasoning for this change is likely due to DS being extremely well-supported by third parties at this stage in its life, while Wii, despite phenomenal hardware performance, is still coming into its own software-wise.

sounds like good news to me... although 3rd party support has already annoucned that its now on the way for Wii aswell. I still would enjoy some nice 1st party nintendo games.
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wezeles said:
sounds like good news to me... although 3rd party support has already annoucned that its now on the way for Wii aswell. I still would enjoy some nice 1st party nintendo games.

i dont think that we are getting that many good 3rd party games at the moment. i cant really think of any good ones either that are going to come out.
Think of good games coming out? Isn't that the way it's supposed to be? Makes it more exciting and surprising when someone sparks innovation ^_^

Cool on the article, makes sense so that they don't have to hire anyone new.
Kudos to Nintendo for keeping the bar raised for Wii game quality. There are too many craptastic Wii games being dumped on the market, and unless there are plenty of high-quality ones out and known to balance it, it will reflect negatively on the overall quality of the Wii console itself.
thas said:
i dont think that we are getting that many good 3rd party games at the moment. i cant really think of any good ones either that are going to come out.

Over the last few months more and more 3rd party publishers and developers have said that they will be making games for the Wii.
You will not see these games for another 6-12 months though... they will probably start hitting the Wii between this summer and christmas time of 2008...

I agree though the 3rd party library now is not that impressive at all, most of it being cheeply and quickly made of a very pore ported game from a year ago...

But thats 3rd partys fault... they didnt think the Wii would have any kind of impact in gaming, and now they are loosing out on 50% of the market because of the dominace Wii has... Also why they have now said they will start making games for the Wii... you cant turn your back on the cash cow...
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wezeles said:
I agree though the 3rd party library now is not that impressive at all, most of it being cheeply and quickly made of a very pore ported game from a year ago...

we are stilling getting ports and down graded version of games. what make you think that will change.
Because you can see a differance in sales among the crap and the halfway decent 3rd party games. They always rush out Crap just for sales in console launch years not caring about quality. It happens every time.. look at any console 1st party is usually the only good games in the first year or so...

Publishers know they can only sell the garbage for so long till people expect to get more from there games, And if they want the sales numbers they have to do it. Look at the new star wars, it will have 5 extra levels on the Wii version to make up for its graphically superior sister on 360/ps3 ...

They know they cant continue to skimp on... Granted there will probably still be alot of 3rd party crap on the Wii, but there is plenty of 3rd party crap pushed out on all 3 major consoles!
You just dont hear complaints about it asmuch on the ps3/360 because they also get the best 3rd party games... Specially considering they do not having 1st party dominace that nintendo has.

But with 360 and PS3 they know that a top of the line 3rd party games will sell the best over the crap thats why they make it in the first place, other wise everything 3rd party would be quick garbage just for sales... But the good games usually take more than 6 months to make... And they didnt notice the huge market share of the Wii untill after a few months of sales. Now they have to transfer some effort from one console to the other finnish up what they are doing and start again... This takes time.

The main problem with Wii is they just dont have enough 3rd party support to have "top of the line."
As they get more support "which they are right now" they will also get better quality just for the larger sales numbers publishers will want overall...
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Sounds good to me, and there are some good games coming out and have been out. Zack & Wiki and No More Heroes? Two great third party games, and Disaster Day Of Crisis looks alright as well.

Keep in mind it takes time for good titles to be developed, and the third party developers promised better looking projects after their earlier efforts.
thas said:
we are stilling getting ports and down graded version of games. what make you think that will change.

Thats easy you will always make more on a better game than oncrap fact! Unless development cost shot you in the foot! The games are coming and really let the crap rool and ignore it. The movies have had crap every year yet do you complain about going to see the good movies... hell no. Let developers do what they do and if they go bankrupt then serves them right.

Also as more games come out your crap tends to stick out as crap.
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