Nintendo Wifi To Rival Xbox Live?


Mar 31, 2009
i just saw an interview on IGN's page were reggie the american nintendo guy was speaking about bettering the xbox live exprience for the you think that means more games using wii speak,Gamer tags (blast you friend codes)lol free wii points per unlocking stuff through games free wiiware titles and good dlc content not the crap you get in animal crossing what do you think nintendo will release a firmware update to feed the gaggin online wii owners what would you want avaliable if it did happen do you recon there would be a fee like xbox live and how would we pay an online scratch card thing like the points card or token like wii speak?
your thoughts.

I doubt it will ever happen on the Wii; maybe with Wii 2.
As awesome as that would be, Im gonna have to agree with ROB on this 1....
It is a sign the online gaming is becoming cheaper and the Wii has made enough money to subsidize their cost for better servers.

However, it would be nice to have a link.
Nintendo's online feels like a total afterthought. At first, the friendcode system never bothered me, but after experiencing xbl, I find it increasingly frustrating.

The current system will never cope with updates to rival xbl, even the ps system only just competes at the moment (after several updates). It can only happen with the next system, but even then I am doubtful. The wii's (nintendo's?) sucess doesn't lie with it's online, it lies with the local multiplayer - even sony and microsoft dont compete with this. Maybe thats what they need to concentrate on.
Doubt it...they'd really need to make it one unified account(so the Wii code would work for all games, which is what many thought it would be)

I think its too late for Nintendo to do that now, but hopefully next generation!

Also I though that interview you speak of was in regards to WiiWare vs XBLA...or was it the whole services? Perhaps you could link it?

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