Nintendo WFC connection problem annoyance


WiiChat Member
Feb 11, 2014
I have recently been playing mario kart on nintendo WFC with a friend, and every time in the middle of a race I get disconnected from the other players. Any ideas? It's so annoying.
A good few online Wii games can be pretty unstable, but MKW is generally reliable. Likely isn't the game itself or it's servers, so it's probably either on you or your friends' side'a things. Bad weather can cause a hiccup in one's connection (doesn't have to be local weather if it's nasty enough). If your connection ain't stable, either due to a bad internet provider or a poor wireless connection, that would likely be the cause.
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A good few online Wii games can be pretty unstable, but MKW is generally reliable. Likely isn't the game itself or it's servers, so it's probably either on you or your friends' side'a things. Bad weather can cause a hiccup in one's connection (doesn't have to be local weather if it's nasty enough). If your connection ain't stable, either due to a bad internet provider or a poor wireless connection, that would likely be the cause.
Everybody I see who replies to my topics are moderators, why? ;anyway, good point, seems like this may be the case.
I view every single post made on the forum (t'is part of my job after all), and I'm also one'a the more active posters 'round here. My fishy face can be seen in most-every thread as such.

That, and you've only made two threads lol.
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I view every single post made on the forum (t'is part of my job after all), and I'm also one'a the more active posters 'round here. My fishy face can be seen in most-every thread as such.

That, and you've only made two threads lol.
OK. I better make some more threads to get some more experience of this forum.

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