Nintendo = Rareless! =[

Arcadium said:
Donkey Kong games are owned by nintendo, remember it was the first gamem in which mario appeared (jumpman) to save Pauline (no peach) and it was created by nintendo... although it was developed by RARE but it was owned by nintendo (the rights) so dont worry about
Actually Rare had nothing to do with the original Donkey Kong game, it was developed indepentdently by Nintendo. Neither did Rare have anything to do with the other pre-SNES Donkey Kong titles (Donkey Kong Junior, Donkey Kong 3 and Donkey Kong Junior Math). The only Donkey Kong games Rare created were the three Donkey Kong Country games, the three Donkey Kong Land games and Donkey Kong 64. Rare never had any right to the Donkey Kong series they simply made them for Nintendo. Also Nintendo own the numerous Kongs Rare invented (Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong, Cranky Kong etc) as most of them have appeared in the Donkey Konga games, and therefore should have no trouble putting Rare's DK games on the VC.

Most of N64 Rare's games I own/ can get (Perfect Dark is going to arrive at my house soon:D ). What I'm really concerned about though is one of Rare's NES titles: R.C Pro-Am. It is regarded, along with Super Mario Bros, Zelda, Metroid and Duck Hunt as one of the NES' best games. Its one of the few great NES games I've never played and I would of loved to have tried it out. Oh and it was also the first big game from Rare and one of the first racing games to use weapons.
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Maybe Nintendo will find a way to slip around the laws, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG i just relized! they cant make a profit out of it, maybe the Rare games will come free with the Wii, so they wont make a profit out of it .
Yes, yes. You know at first when I heard of Rare being bought bby MS, I was really upset, but as soon as I saw Rare make crappy games for MS, I laughed and moved on. Rare has lost it's touch.

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