Nintendo Racing!


WiiChat Member
Sep 15, 2007
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ok, now wut if nintendo made a racing game featuring ALL of nintendos franchises. imean it wuld be like smash bros but for racing

nintendo has a lot of racing franchises (mario kart, diddy kong racing ect.) so wut if thery just combined them into 1.then anyone could play there fav charaters in 1 game.

each character would have their own vehicle (doesnt have to be a car) example: DK could have his "Barrel Blast" bongo rockets, while link could have eponia, mario gets his kart, bowser could get is koopa klown car ect.

those who like fighting games got the smash bros. crossover, why not let the racers get one two?

so,wut do yu guys think? im not saying it will ever happen, i just want feedback...
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o sorry, honstly didnt know...
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Remegy said:
o sorry, honstly didnt know...
Because hardcore gamers want to fight, not race. More casual yet still avid gamers are more happy go lucky with a nice competitive racing game with nice mario characters, not badass samus and link in spaceships and on horses.

that being said, if this was made, i'd probably still buy the game
I dont think thats right.

On the global and national gaming tournaments there are special ladders for the popular racing games. Tons of cash are earned by the top players in there every tournament. A race is very simular to a fight. Maybe even more strategic.

on-topic though: I wouldnt like it a bit. Its like throwing together 3 different "worlds" in one game. I would just like mario to stay with mario and diddy kong to stay with his banana's. Thats why I didnt like the idea of sonic in brawl :(

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