Nintendo Power Claims Sonic 4: Episode 1 Will Cost 1500 Points


WiiChat Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Posted Mon, 27 Sep 2010 by James Newton
A steal or daylight robbery?

High price for hedgehog heaven

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 is one of WiiWare's most anticipated games, either because of or despite the claims it will bring Sonic back to his glory days, depending on your point of view. Flagship WiiWare titles don't come cheap however, and the latest issue of Nintendo Power claims Sonic's next outing will set you back a sizeable 1,500 Wii Points.

Considering Shantae: Risky's Revenge is set to retail at 1,200 DSi Points the 1,500 being asked for Sonic 4 will divide some: although Sonic 4 is set to be episodic, it will likely contain at least as much content as its 16-bit predecessors. That said, buying the following episodes could ramp up the cost to that of a standard disc release.
How do you feel about this price tag?


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