Nintendo Memory Card has GC game saved...


WiiChat Member
Jan 30, 2008
but I can't play it on the Wii. In Data Management, am able to navigate to the GC Memory Card, and I can see the game saved there from last play on the GC. When I load game on Wii and go to main screen GC Mario Sunshine game, all the "blocks" show as new. How do I access the saved game?
Yeah try changing the slot, its not really intuitive which slot is slot A because they are arranged on a different axis than the wii is oriented if that makes any sense.
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Hi. Have confirmed that I was using Slot "A", and then tried Slot "B" just in case. When Nintendo memory card in Slot "B", prompt advised that memory card is missing from Slot "A". Changed back to Slot "A", and the blocks on the screen of game A B C) have the word "New" on them.

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