Nintendo: Headset Likely for Wii


Jul 25, 2007
Around Chicago
More details from QJ on headset and VC multiplayer:

With the console wars still raging and the sales reports and analyses in, are you curious as to where Nintendo will go from here? Well, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has more than a hint to offer Nintendo Wii fans with regards to two particular topics: online voice chat and Virtual Console multiplayer options.

According to Mr. Fils-Aime, future online Nintendo Wii titles may likely support voice chat. The flip side is that Fils-Aime mentioned that Nintendo has no plans of having online multiplayer support for Wii Virtual Console titles.

Nintendo's openness to the possibility of having voice chat comes as no real surprise, considering that Nintendo has already been fiddling around with the option for the DS portable. There's always a possibility, however remote, that Nintendo may change its mind regarding VC multiplayer, so if ever that happens, we'll be sure to let you know

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kotakua is a very reliable source theres not many other sources I would trust but yeh this has been posted b4 plus I said like a billion times that the wii would get a bt headset but no one would beleave me :p
(Head asplodes)
That's quite the letdown. With all of the pricy games, I can easily get VC, but I love my Wii for it's online... Where's the love, Reggie?
Or never at all. Reggie knows how to talk. Well, I think it'll happen, somewhen, though.

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