Ninja Gaiden

Jan 31, 2007
Jacksonville, FL
or Ninja THE gaiden, if you were one of the kids in my neighborhood that thought the japanese symbols were a cool way of writing "the".

Anybody beat this since its been available? I am stuck on the next to last level, 6-2 right now.......DAMN THAT GAME IS HARD. I rented it when I was like 9, and played it all weekend until I had to return it, without turning the game off. So the game was due back, and I was on the last stage dying at the boss over and over until my parents were like :"WE HAVE TO RETURN THE ****ING GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!" What a hard ass game. I will beat it sometime this week im sure.

My neighbor and I have been playing this game late when we get back from pool league, and I found out the hard way, that if you dont return to the wii menu, it erases your progress. Twice, I started us over by turning off the wii from the if you dont know that like I didnt, now you know......

Glitches......we have seen tons of them in this version of NG......on two occasions, I was holding onto a wall, and a bird hit me, killing me, with 5 life left on my life meter.....BS!!! On 2 occasions now, I have fallen into a pit, and came out of the ceiling, landing on a platform one time, and falling into the pit again the 2nd time.....wierd......The boss on stage 3 that is 2 dog looking things jumping around, I destroyed the decoy and both dog things materialized again, making 3 dog things jumping around!!! There have been times I jumped off of the ladder to my death, when my hand was busy, not on the controller whatsoever, passing around the ninja tube to increase our ninja senses.

I dont even know the point of this thread other than, get this game if you want to spend $5 well, its hard as hell, DONT hard power down from the wiimote unless you want to erase your ****, and this is the glitchiest VC release yet, (none of the glitches happened on NES).......

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